3 Common Objectives of Digital Marketing

A common objective of digital marketing is to get people to give the product a try within a specific time frame once it has launched. This should be time-bound to around the first few weeks after the launch as that is where marketing can be really effective. The game is new and fresh at this point and people will be ready and chomping at the bit to talk about it. It should end up looking appealing to a broad range of consumers including some who may be viewing your products for the first ever time. Another common objective of digital marketing is to get people discussing the product for some time before and after it has launched, this is ideally in the lead up to launch and a week or two after launch day. Getting feedback is a good way to ensure people discuss their feelings of the game. This can lead to you using their feedback to market your game, this can be simple things like including reviews at the bottom of landing pages (Cox, 2021). The discussion and feedback you choose to focus on should remain relevant to what is important to you and wether its worthwhile taking into consideration. Another common objective of digital marketing is to get your name out there and established within the relevant industry to get people coming back to any previous or future products you have. There are many, many people out there trying to make a name for themselves so keeping these goals achievable is important, it's pretty rare that you're just going to explode into popularity overnight, and so keeping grounded targets is a better fit.


Cox, C., 2021. [online] HawkSem. Available at: <https: hawksem.com="" blog="" how-to-use-customer-reviews-in-digital-marketing=""> [Accessed 30 March 2022]. </https:>

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