The use of target market research

Target market research plays an important role in marketing as it allows you to hone in on specific groups of people that you want to market your product for. Ensuring you know the types of people you want to see and/or use your product is vital to ensuring it gets to some of the best eyes. Envisioning your target audience by creating things like buyer personas goes a long way to helping you find and target only the audience that might be interested in your product or service ((PointVisible, n.d.)). This will also help you broaden your marketing to account for people with various traits and restraints that could alter how they perceive and use things. It is also one of the most cost-effective solutions, which never hurts, as it ensures the marketing doesn’t go overboard and try and unnecessarily market to uninterested people. Learning your target market is good in the long term too, as it will establish a bond between you and the target audience with any future endeavours and it will make them more likely to be interested by more marketing you do in the future.


PointVisible, n.d. [online] PointVisible. Available at: <https:"" blog="" complete-guide-target-audience-analysis-content-marketers=""> [Accessed 17 March 2022]. </https:>

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