2 Email Marketing Techniques

Email marketing is a highly effective form of marketing as a good chunk of the over four billion email (New, 2018) users check their emails regularly and tend to click into those that they can trust and don't typically bother with emails that they dont know or will waste their time. A commonly used technique for email marketing is the use of newsletters which act to give any subscribers to the letter constant and continuous updates and news about your product and/or company. Newsletters are a great way to regularly connect to your customers and keep them engaged with what you’re doing, and the letters can be tailored to these customers to give them a more personalised feel. These newsletters will ultimately end up leading to more website traffic, an increase in sales and a potential for more social media followers. All benfits to be sought after. Having a good and consistent newsletter will keep the traffic coming back while also attracting new attention to you and your products. Another technique used for email marketing is the use of good subject lines which can be crucial to getting customers to open any emails you send them. Being short to the point and informational with the subject line will help busy people click in if they feel interested, instead of a jumble of words. Also adding a personal touch will help bring in people from the start ((CampaignMonitor, n.d.)), it makes them feel the email is aimed specifically to them, so adding something simple like their first name can help. Being urgent is a good way to catch people’s attention and make them feel like they need to click into the email to see what is so urgent. Combining this with the use of clever and catchy subject lines can help make it stand out even more, but you must take care not to confuse or alienate (campaign monitor reference). Additional things like having the subject line short and snappy and using lists to build curiosity will help the email be more clickable. This goes alongside the use of questions in the subject line to further build curiosity and engagement, this can also be controversial if you know your audience well enough. Finally, being trendy with the subject line can entice the reader to click in to be in the know for all the latest trends as people tend to eat trends up.


CampaignMonitor, n.d. [online] CampaignMonitor. Available at: <https: www.campaignmonitor.com="" resources="" guides="" email-subject-lines-superhero=""> [Accessed 17 March 2022]. </https:>

New, K., 2018. [online] CampaignMonitor. Available at: <https: www.campaignmonitor.com="" blog="" email-marketing="" why-email-newsletters-need-be-part-of-digital-marketing-strategy=""> [Accessed 17 March 2022]. </https:>

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