3 Web Marketing Techniques
Web marketing is an extremely common form of marketing and usually very effective with how much time is spent on the internet on various web pages and how easily marketing can be blended into sites. There are various techniques to web marketing such as content marketing which is an approach based on creating and delivering relevant content to the user that will ultimately lead to gaining and retaining a target audience and eventually action from this audience. Ensuring the user gains something from the content that’s being marketed is key to making this technique work, whether that’s giving them a taste of the product or teaching them in some way. Another web marketing technique is Search Engine Optimisation which is the technique for ensuring that your site and products get high priority within search results on search engines such as Google and Bing. Tailoring your content on your site to include key words/buzzwords that relate to what people are most likely to be searching is crucial to getting your product noticed in the endless sea of web pages on the internet. Having your page at or near the top of the results can make it seem like the most trustworthy/official result as users tend to not scroll too far down the list of results and instead look for whatever catches their eye first. This will help establish your brand and site for people searching similar things in the future, ultimately leading to a high increase in traffic to your business. Another technique is Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA). This technique, in essence, proposes that advertising messages need to accomplish a number of tasks in order to move the consumer through a series of sequential steps from brand awareness through to action (Connick, 2019). Starting off with grabbing the consumer's attention and getting them aware of their options. Which leads into getting their interest, ensuring that they that are interested in what they see so they can go to the next phase of desire. Which is using informatiopn from earlier stages to bring consumers general and/or specific benefits to suit their needs, now that they are interested in the product. The final stage is action which is naturally when the prospect buys into the idea of becoming a customer.
<https: www.campaignmonitor.com="" resources="" guides="" email-subject-lines-superhero="">Connick, W., 2019. </https:>What Does the Sales Acronym AIDA Mean?. [online] the balance careers. Available at: <https: www.thebalancecareers.com="" what-is-aida-2917366=""> [Accessed 30 April 2022].</https:>
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