3 Common Analytic Techniques

A common analytic technique in use is tracking traffic sources, including where each person has come from within the marketing campaign. Things such as Google Analytics and HubSpot allow you to track your traffic in detail. The data gathered with these will allow you to see what needs to be focused on such as enhancing social engagement or brand awareness etc.

Another common analytic technique is engagement tracking. Seeing what part of your marketing is receiving the most engagement from consumers through things like highly-liked social media posts with lots of comments shares. Visitors who are engaging with your brand are much more likely to be customers or evangelists ((Dickey, 2017). These posts will show that you are connecting with consumers and you can strengthen your social media presence accordingly.

Another common analytic technique is customer promotion/traffic generation. Seeing content made for your product, whether paid for or not, can give a crucial insight into people's raw opinions on what you're offering. The internet can be harsh and these videos, reviews, blogs etc. can show you what is working and what isn't in a blunt way.


Dickey, M., 2017. 5 Digital Marketing Analytics That Actually Matter. [online] kuno creative. Available at: <https: www.kunocreative.com="" blog="" digital-marketing-analytics=""> [Accessed 10 May 2022].</https:>

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