3 common tools for measuring data

A common tool used for measuring data is search engine optimisation metrics. These can show the effectiness of your SEO and show all of the visitors to yuor site that came from the search engines (Pavlik, 2018). It can also show things like your Click Through Rate to show how many people actually clicked your site versus how many saw it and did not click. Aswell as other useful info such as pages per session that each user is going through when they visit the site. These analytics can mostly put you ease as being able to see this data will let you know if you're on the right track.

Another common tool used for measuring data is sites such as Mention.com. Mention.com is a tool used for tracking key words, phrases, tags, trends etc. to keep you in the loop about what is being said about your brand/business. This tool allows you to be notified anytime your selected phrases are said across social media and the web. This is very useful for keeping in the know about how you are being percieved and gives you the opportunity to squash any pesky rumours quick and early before they spiral out of control.

Another common tool for measuring data is Funnel Path Analysis which is a tool for measuring a set of steps required to reach an outcome and seeing how many people reach each step. These steps are set up to flow like a funnel, hence the name. This tool allows you to get detailed info about the percentage of people that get to each step and where the biggest drop off is happening. This allows you to see which areas has the most room for improvement and if any steps could potentially be removed to make the process easier for the users.


Pavlik, V., 2018. Top 9 SEO Metrics That You Should Know | Mangools. [online] Mangools. Available at: <https: mangools.com="" blog="" seo-metrics=""> [Accessed 9 May 2022].</https:>

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